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With the majority of Brits staying in their homes during lockdown, cars across the country may be sitting unused for a long time. Lack of use can cause lasting damage to your vehicle, and before storing it away for any significant amount of time it's essential to ensure that the car is fully prepared, to avoid any issues when it comes out of storage.

Here are five tips on how to care for your car when it's off the road.

1. Protect it against bad weather

It's a good idea to keep your car protected from the elements if it's not going to be used for a long period of time, and this is especially true for older or classic cars. Some tips for this are:

Park in a damp-free environment

If possible, parking in a garage will protect the car from damage caused by exposure to bad weather. When parking in a garage, ensure it's free from humidity and damp as this can corrode paintwork and cause mould.

Use a car cover

If you are unable to park in a garage, try covering your car with a model-specific car cover to protect it from rain and sunlight, which can cause the paintwork to fade.

2. Clean before storage

Before storing your car, it's a good idea to give it a wash to prevent grime from building up and damaging the paintwork. Remember to clean the tyres, as they tend to hold on to grease, as well as brake shavings and mud which can all cause damage over time, so be sure to clean these thoroughly at the end of the wash. Rinse the car with free-flowing water before drying with a soft leather chamois or soft microfibre towel and finish w...

This is an excerpt from our full review.
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